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A referent of diversity for the 21st century

There is a beautiful custom in Chocó, a region on the Colombian Pacific coast: to hang photographs on the main wall in the entrance of a...

Thinking big about food security

Bancalimentos is a business that started in the rural area of Zetaquirá (Boyacá, Colombia). It was started in 2015 by Olga Yaneth...

Colombian Tulip 2.0

Hello everyone, and welcome back to the Colombian Tulip! In the past weeks I started to rethink the original meaning of this blog and...

Apple trees for you to pick

Only 30 minutes biking from Rotterdam, near the village of Rhoon, you can find a farm called "De Buytenhof". But why is this farm...

Have you realised how much plastic do you use?

Meat, milk, cheese, bread, cookies, rice, pasta, sauce, nuts, tuna, cleaning articles, and vegetables...EVERYTHING comes in a package....

Other functions of roofs

One of the things I like the most when I'm visiting a city is to go to hidden places where is very possible to find interesting things....

Rythms in Rotterdam

Rythms in architecture are normally seen in the repetition of certain elements, such as windows, columns, doors, arcs, among others. I...

Views over Rotterdam

While I was enjoying my rootftop day, I was able to experience the city I'm living in in a different way. As if out of the sudden,...

Rooftops in Rotterdam

One of the things I love the most about Rotterdam are all the events that are happening, especially during summer! June is the...

Going back to what you know

Moving to another country is always a big challenge. Many people take, at least once, the risk to get out of their comfort zone and...

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